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  • Writer's pictureRex Brown

The NBAFL Coming in 2024!

We are asked often, when will we be launching or playing games or Is this league for real. The answer to both questions is "Yes"! So if the answer is Yes to both why is it taking so long? To launch a new professional league, especially in Brazil is a complex process! First, to avoid the pitfalls of leagues that have come and gone before us and some that still exist today a league must be Funded Financially as well as have Revenue Streams developed to keep the league viable into the future! We understand the want to be a part of the NBAFL but we must be responsible to players, coaches, and fans to conduct good business practices before we begin the process of playing games! With the NFL playing a regular season game in Brazil in 2024 we are looking to capitalize on the moment! The NBAFL Brazil1s New Professional American Football League, We here! We will be posting more information in the comings days!

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